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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Handle the Lemons in Life


Lovingly, optimistically, I thought I'd start on my misadventure of sewing my pencil skirt dress this weekend, but I literally did a yoga tripod headstand {something I've done for years} and woke up the next day in total spasm pain. I knew that having a baby would change things for me, but I wasn't expecting the physical changes. In my effort to heal, I took to all things yellow to bring me cheer! Things like a cozy yellow breakfast nook, umbrellas, shoes, and pencils! If you want to add anything to the list post a comment! I'm looking for all the smiles I can get until my neck heals {a massage tomorrow is going to help-I know it!}!

yellow suede, crisp white featured in Elle Decor.

yellow heels


love the orange and love cake

moist yellow cake

pink + yellow + painting

Le Soleil by Shabby Apple.  Same as the Champs de Elsyees, but in such a beautiful shade of yellow.  It would be nice to vary from my usual preference for the winter color palette...

Yellow flowers: White kitchen, yellow flowers!

yellow pants... heels.

yellow blob painting.

Making Lemonade Out of Tuesday’s Lemons!

These are all just a few of my favorite things in yellow
{images via Bella Vivir,  bakerella, Shabby Apple Yellow Sundress, polka dress with yellow heels, yellow blob painting via post 27,  yellow curtains at apartment therapy, yellow flowers,  lemon poster, everything else untagged via pinterest! }

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