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Monday, August 6, 2012

I Love Besotted Brand Stamps!

I recently purchased a custom stamp from Besotted Brand Shoppe and I LOVE IT! I used it to create the envelopes for my daughter's first birthday invites.  Here is a close-up of the stamp. Lovely, isn't it? You can have anything written on the stamps. What would you put on your stamp?

The final outcome. The stamp on the bottom right is something I picked up years ago at Paper Source. Check out the lovely stuff at Besotted Brand while still available. And I should mention that Besotted Brand Blog is one of my all time favorite reads-so this lovely post was created from a place of love, not sponsorship!


Hope said...

This looks great! mental note to self - next time I need cards I'm buying a stamp and making my own! Thanks for sharing : )

Miss B. said...

Kamela I am blushing!  Thank you!  You are so clever + creative I love how you stamped your envelopes!