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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tumblr Link Love: Griottes 365

{192-12/07} Pasta

Griottes 365 is the foodie's and stylist's ultimate dream. It is loaded with the most amazing images. I can't stop drooling.  I love the simplicity of the prop styling and the elegant French touch. Could a simple meal feel any more beautiful? 

{185-06/07} Popsicles
{094-04/04} Une soirée à Cannes

{023-23/01} Préparation sucrée

{091-02/04} Un repas digne d’un si joli week end ! ♥ // WE à la campagne

When you are done browsing the archives, head over to Griottes blog for the most recent updates. 

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