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Saturday, January 14, 2012

My New Obsession is Sewing...who ever would have guessed?

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I randomly took a sewing class at The Workroom, located in Toronto. It was one of my eager attempts to get out of the house and reconnect to the world after having a baby. As it turns out, I loved the class and I swear to you I can't stop thinking about things to sew! I think this would work as a great sewing atelier!

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The unexpected discovery I had was that I wanted to sew up a new wardrobe. Hello?! I swear I think it's also due in fact that I refuse to shop for clothes in my post-baby shape! I can't bear to admit what size I am, etc.... I want some time to workout and get back in shape before I buy new clothes!

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Simple & Sweet Clothing Design Idea

I thought I gave up sewing forever when I was in college and finished a beautiful dress with a hideous zipper. I can still remember that day. It was nightmare! Tension issues. Breaking threads. Did I mention how horrible the zipper looked?! Yet, years later, here I am...sewing! I am thankful that the skills I had and all the lessons my mother gave me never left! Now I am loving selecting fabric, patterns, and of course threads!

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I want to recommend that any girl interested in sewing start with any book that is part of the Built by Wendy Series! I own Sew U and Sew U Knits. I love both of these books perhaps because Wendy inspires you to play around with creating your own pattern. It might sound hard, but it really isn't! 

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Today, I will have finished my third garment. The first I made is a beautiful modification of a classic t-shirt. It has a large boatneck and wide sleeves. I will admit that it is a happy mistake! The second garment I made was a pair of striped panties! They are so sweet but I cut them too small! Whoops! The garment I am finishing today is a simplicity pattern. I selected a beautiful lightweight knit in grey so that it looks like a piece I could have bought from Wendy or Club Monaco. It is quite a luxurious knit! Wow...I'm going to have shoot some photos later to share! Thanks for reading! I am finding it hard to have a baby, write, blog, and sew all at once! LOL! Superwoman rescue me!! XOXO!!


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