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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Dirty Secret...You Really Don't Want to Read This!

Attic Office Space.  {image}
Last week was a crazy whirlwind. It was just my luck to take care of the sweetest dog in the world, Lela, a Yorkie Shih Tzu mix.
Sweet Lela

She is a 4/12 month puppy that is bursting with energy, but I didn't let that stop me from my goal of decluttering! Now.. time to share my totally wretched secret. My home office. It is beyond being a wreck. It is like an episode of hoarders! It is a place that is often neglected out of the pursuit of finer things like dog walks, breathing, ah, writing blog posts. Okay, everything comes before organizing my clutter. I'm stalling, aren't I?

The insanity and shame of my home office

I will admit that this picture was taken a smidge after I started the declutter process, but as you can tell I've got way too much. In this sort of overwhelming situation, I started with the obvious, books. I placed them into piles of want, give, and can't decide. After sorting through the books, I put them to the 10 Decluttering Questions.  The 10 questions are truly fantastic and is a free download that you can print out to help sort through all the stuff. I did just that and got my office to this:


You can see the floor!! Wow! Decluttering works!

As my mom was quick to point out in my wardrobe declutter project, I've still got work to do, which is the case for my office. I did manage to clear all of the papers from my desk and a few of the random items you can see. The guys at the thrift store now know me and are always happy when I show up to donate more stuff. The truth is I have a long way to go before I really feel satisfied with my progress at decluttering. And the truth be really told, I had a melt down in the midst of getting all of this stuff cleared. Thank heavens for my husband that surprised me by taking me to see the movie, Limitless.

As a soon-to-be writer, I couldn't help the similarities between having a cluttered life and not getting much work done! Not to spoil anything but, Bradley Cooper's character had to get rid of tons of stuff that was stopping his clarity and work flow. Finally he got down to business and after watching that movie, I got back to my own project to declutter.

Declutter = Ability to Think. {image}
Now you know my dirty secret. I have too many books, magazines, and art supplies. This week I'm going to tackle my art supply and office supply closet. Wow! I'm starting to feel that deep sinking feeling! But, forget it, with a bit of determination I know I can get this done! I'm inspired to have an office that might look like this at the end of the rainbow.

Designed by California Closet

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