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Monday, May 16, 2011

Source Request: The Artwork of Downtown Chic by Robert and Courtney Novogratz

Downtown Chic at Amazon $29

I just received a request to source the awesome artwork as featured on the cover of Downtown Chic. I also love this painting, which works so well with the pattern of the rest of the room. The oil painting is by Brendan Cass, who happens to be as photogenic as his artwork!

Artist Brendan Cass. Take a tour of his art studio at Beautiful Decay.

Cass On His Artwork: 
"The body of work came about through an obsession of travel, in general, and also escapism. Literally and Psychologically. At the depths of my purpose though I am fascinated by the land formations and sense of terrain in Popular inspiring European locales, and also the energy and liberation that many people feel when going to these say, inspiration centers. One can feel as flat as they did back home or really resonate with the sense of departure, and other ness." Read more of this awesome interview here

What I love about the artwork of Cass is his bold use of color and playfulness. At a time when art is often so serious, it's a breath of fresh air to take an escape in Cass's work. His tulip paintings were based on images of Holland. Here is another that is similar to the artwork on the cover of Downtown Chic. 


Here are a few more of my favorite works by Cass.

Mountain Forest

Thanks for asking about the artwork of Brendan Cass. I feel like I've been on a heavenly trip resourcing all of these awesome images!

Modern Girl Style

Watch Brendan in Action! A quick video on a recent NYC art show he had.

If you've got any questions, please post a comment or send an email to moderngirlstyle {dot}! 

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