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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gwyneth Paltrow, I love your style!

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{Gwyneth in Harper's Bazaar March 2012. All images source.}

The idea is that one day I'll be able to sew a dress that is as smoking hot as the one Gwyneth is wearing! But kicking daydreams aside, does Gwyneth just rock in these photos! Can I say how much I totally love her huge smile and happy spirit! We need more models and actors that just love life! Get inspired to wear red lipstick with a quick preview of these beautiful images.

Gwyneth Paltrow: Harper's Bazaar US, March '12

Want to know what lipstick comes close to this shade of red? 

Gwyneth Paltrow: Harper's Bazaar US, March '12

This dress looks a bit easier to sew, but harder to wear! HA! Notice that trademark smile!

Gwyneth Paltrow: Harper's Bazaar US, March '12

Want that shade of red lipstick? I recommend Bobbi Brown Red #10 or Vintage Red

Gwyneth, I love your style!

Gwyneth Paltrow: Harper's Bazaar US, March '12

1 comment:

Hope in High Heels said...

she looks fantastic! and after two kids... amazing!