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Sunday, September 1, 2013

It has been lovely! 2005-2013

In a quest to follow new dreams, I find its time that I move on from Modern Girl Style. It's obvious that I haven't been posting and the time away has given me space to consider how I manage my time and what's important. I feel that I have reached the culmination of this blog. It's an exciting time!

I will update with links to my next blog and post photos of the second baby I'm about to have in a week. I love every single reader that has joined me on the last eight years of adventure. 

Thanks for your readership!

Modern Girl Style

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to Get Healthy After Hitting Rock Bottom with a Bonus: Get Fit & Healthy Shopping List

At the start of 2013, I had visions of great things that I planned to accomplish for the year. Ahem...those things flew out the window, as well as blogging, as I proceeded to get sick, terribly sick, just about every two weeks until the end of April. Being pregnant, I knew that my immune system was weaken but this was out of hand crazy. It wasn't until the end of April that I ended up with my second case of stomach flu this year, and the second time ever in my life. My husband managed to get me to our family doctor, by some miracle, and then she saw me had an ambulance arrive immediately to whisk me off to the hospital. Once there, I was rushed to the maternity ward and put on an IV Gravol drip to help curb things. Thank God it worked and everything was still awesome with the baby growing inside me. 

The larger question still loomed: What the hell had happened to my health in only six short months? I couldn't blame this all on just being pregnant. My health hit rock bottom, and it was sitting there, feeling lifeless and awful, that I realized I had to find a way to fight my way out of this mess. Sometimes when you make a wish, the universe listens and finds a way to deliver exactly what you need.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sincerely, Just Do It: How to Make Time for You in a Hectic World

What would you do with your life if you had time and space?

Yesterday, I made time to print out photos of our family for my toddler to flip through in a photo album. She loves to look at pictures taken of herself doing things that she loves. Who doesn't? As I went through my iPhoto catalog from last year, I was struck that I had not only document my daughter's life, but my own.  I could see the ebb and flow of my own creative energy, most of it food related. Most new mothers tend to pass on stories of sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and stress. I won't say that isn't true, but the key to balancing a healthy life is to make time to connect to your passion. I have three tips on how I have found time to write a non-fiction book, two children stories, rewrite a novel (that I've been working on fa-ever, I know), time to sew, and make lots of good food for the family. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Announcing Big News: We've got Baby #2 En Route!

(image via)

It has been months of silence at Modern Girl Style, but all for good reason! The most exciting reason is that my husband and I found out on New's Year Day that we were pregnant with our second baby! What a way to kick the year off! Talk about Making Plans in 2013! Did I ever mention how much I love baby toes?!
(image via)

I'm now in my second trimester and I think I've managed to have every single cold, flu, and illness out there. No Joke! My immune system has been down, but my spirits are up. These little set-backs only serve the purpose to slow me down and enjoy being home with my first beautiful baby girl, Makena, and to consider what the future might look like. Actually, I have no idea what life will be like with two awesome babies-and I try to not think about it too much because I just want it to be what it is.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Making Plans in 2013!


Since my last post, a new year has rolled in. It's 2013 and I couldn't be more please to have a fresh start.   I spent most of December and the start of January sick. I couldn't write. I couldn't sew. I could only read. One blog that I have fallen in love with again is Jessica Swift's blog. She offered, for only $15, a PDF download to help set your goals and intentions for 2013.

In between coughs, I took time to complete the intention kit and it was an amazing experience. It's still not too late to grab this, sit at a desk, and think about what you want to do this year.


Doing the kit, I realized that writing was a priority for me this year. It will mean less blogging and being media social, for at least a couple of months, in order to get my novel ready to share with the world. If I can offer one tidbit of encouragement to you for the start of your year is this: 

 Get your values organized so that your actions will create the life you want.